coaches corner
AYL Basketball Rules
Generally speaking, there are two set of rules, one for the 2nd Grade/3rd Grade and one for the 4th Grade and older. The rules have been organized in such a way that rules that are common to all competitions are listed first, followed by rules that are specified by grade.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday Games
Games can be scheduled as early as 9 AM and as late as 8 PM. The goal is to have all games played on Saturdays regardless of grade level. Sunday games would only be scheduled due to gym availability and/or any unforeseen circumstances.
Absolutely no food or drink other than water are allowed inside gyms.
Each team shall provide one adult to work as the scorekeeper or timekeeper for each game.
Reporting Your Game Score
Winning teams for each game are responsible for reporting the game scores within 24 hours of the completion of the game (usually done by the coaches).
For Raptors, and Thunder coaches -
Coaches must access the AYL Basketball web site and report the game scores. Coaches must log in from the AYL basketball page, not from the AYL home page.
- An account has been created for coaches that are new to AYL and an email has been sent to you with your temporary password.
- Click on "Sign In" in the upper right corner of the screen.
- The User name is the email address you have used to register with your club.
- After you log in the first time, you can change your password by accessing your account and submit the change.
- For coaches with existing AYL accounts, you can log in using your current login credential. If you forget your password, you can access the sign in page by clicking "Edit My Account" from the menu and provide your email address and select "forgot" next to Password. An email with the link to reset your password will be sent automatically.
- Select your team from the menu options "Teams and Schedules" to access your team page.
- Once your team page is open, select "Results" from the dropdown menu under "Teams and Schedules" again.
- A listing of your games are shown on a new page called "Season Results" and a link is provided to the right of each game for you to edit the game score.
- Send an email to your club delegate if you have a problem logging into the system.
- For Cherry Creek, Eagles, Hawks, South Jeffco, Spartans and Warriors coaches -
Coaches must access the club basketball web site and report their game scores. Login information is provided by each club. Contact your basketball club delegate if you are having problems.